We only live once... FLOOR IT!

Shift Happens

We are living in a time of change. The once self-sustaining, human-friendly world is over. We humans have taken away its ability to keep itself moving. Now, we need to change our mindset to catch up with this challenge. Change is hard. But change is a chance—a chance not just to survive but to innovate and develop. 

Change isn’t easy. It pushes us out of our comfort zone. It’s a real pain. 

The Great Change of our time has marked the end of the Age of Machines, and now we face a new world: the Age of Gadgets. 

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our mission2

Dual Fuel Dreamers​

Not everyone feels comfortable with this change. 

Most people are either machinists or gadget-lovers, living in distinct “tribes.” 

Unlike us. We are dreamers, wandering the no-man’s land between these tribes. 

We have a heart for both the V8 engine and the high-torque electric motor. 

Quality electric vehicles like Tesla are advancing humanity, but we also believe the classic Machine has value—and always will. 

After all, we didn’t shoot all the horses when machines took over personal transport in the 20th century! 

Drive & Let Drive

We believe that the war between EV (electric vehicle) and ICE (internal combustion engine) camps is pointless. 

It doesn’t matter what you drive. What matters is who’s behind the wheel and what drives them. 

Given the right setting, EVs and ICE vehicles can coexist and even have fun together. 

That’s what we’re here to prove. 

But beware: we’re well-trained, certified professional idiots who take madness to the extreme. 

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Want to help decide the future direction of our Mission? Here’s your chance! Click for details!

Enjoy it as much as we did when we recorded it!

Here's our call to you from the heart of Europe, a small town in Hungary!

Together we can bring people closer to one another: join us in our mission ✌🏼